You will be taking your course on here through this website by entering the “Student Login”. The course is set on a weekly drip system which means that once a week from the first day you start, you will receive one week of lessons, that way you won’t feel overwhelmed, and our instructors can keep accurate progress. You will not be able to move ahead until the next week of lessons are released. The course will start out a little slow for the first week to get you use to being in school again then it will pick up momentum as time goes on. It is recommended that you spend between an hour to an hour and a half daily on your course so please set aside the time. You will be required to meet with your online instructor one evening a week for approximately 30 minutes to an hour. In your course you will be required to fully complete all provided SIMTICS modules. On each course there are detailed instructions on how to use SIMTICS. Please view our website for further details and information about how the rest of the course works.
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